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$ wget https://www.sqlite.org/2020/sqlite-amalgamation-3320100.zip |
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$ unzip sqlite-amalgamation-3320100.zip |
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$ ls shell.c sqlite3.c sqlite3.h sqlite3ext.h |
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$ sudo apt install lib32ncurses5-dev |
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year,tp,tpm,tpf,jp,jpm,jpf 2000,126926,62111,64815,125613,61488,64125 2001,127316,62265,65051,125930,61615,64316 2002,127486,62295,65190,126053,61629,64424 2003,127694,62368,65326,126206,61677,64529 2004,127787,62380,65407,126266,61674,64592 2005,127768,62349,65419,126205,61618,64587 2006,127901,62387,65514,126286,61630,64656 2007,128033,62424,65608,126347,61635,64712 2008,128084,62422,65662,126340,61609,64730 2009,128032,62358,65674,126343,61586,64757 2010,128057,62328,65730,126382,61572,64810 2011,127834,62207,65627,126210,61477,64732 2012,127593,62080,65513,126023,61379,64644 2013,127414,61985,65429,125803,61263,64540 2014,127237,61901,65336,125562,61142,64419 2015,127095,61842,65253,125319,61023,64297 |
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case "$1" in create ) shift shellsqlite_create "$@";; insert ) shift shellsqlite_insert "$@";; insertfile ) shift shellsqlite_insertfile "$@";; update ) shift shellsqlite_update "$@";; delete ) shift shellsqlite_delete "$@";; display ) shift shellsqlite_display "$@";; * ) shellsqlite_help exit 0 ;; esac |
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shellsqlite_help(){ progname="$(basename $0)" echo "$progname help" echo "* $progname create <dbfile>" cat <<insertmessage * $progname insert <dbfile> -year <year> \ -tp <total population> -tpm <male of the total population> -tpf <female of the total population> \ -jp <japanease population> -jpm <male of the japanease population> -jpf <female of the japanease population> insertmessage cat <<insertfilemessage * $progname insertfile <dbfile> <insertfile> insertfile format (The poplutation is shown in thousands): year,tp,tpm,tpf,jp,jpm,jpf 2000,126926,62111,64815,125613,61488,64125 ... insertfilemessage cat <<updatemessage * $progname update <dbfile> -year <year> \ [-tp <total population>] [-tpm <male of the total population>] [-tpf <female of the total population>] \ [-jp <japanease population>] [-jpm <male of the japanease population>] [-jpf <female of the japanease population>] updatemessage echo "* $progname delete <dbfile> -year <year>" echo "* $progname display <dbfile>" } |
1 |
./shellsqlite.sh create <ファイル名> |
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shellsqlite_create(){ filename="$1" if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then sqlite3 "$filename" " create table population ( year integer, tp integer, tpm integer, tpf integer, jp integer, jpm integer, jpf integer ) ;" else echo "error: $filename exists. Don't create $filename." fi } |
1 |
$progname insert <DBファイル> -year <年> -tp <総人口> -tpm <総人口の男性> -tpf <総人口の女性> -jp <日本人人口> -jpm <日本人人口の男性> -jpf <日本人人口の女性> |
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shellsqlite_insert(){ filename="$1" shift args="$@" declare -i year tp tpm tpf jp jpm jpf if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi while ! [ -z "$1" ] ; do case "$1" in -year) shift;year="$1";shift;; -tp) shift;tp="$1";shift;; -tpm) shift;tpm="$1";shift;; -tpf) shift;tpf="$1";shift;; -jp) shift;jp="$1";shift;; -jpm) shift;jpm="$1";shift;; -jpf) shift;jpf="$1";shift;; *) echo "warning: invalid argument: $1" shift ;; esac done if [ -z "$year" ] || [ -z "$tp" ] || [ -z "$tpm" ] || [ -z "$tpf" ] || [ -z "$jp" ] || [ -z "$jpm" ] || [ -z "$jpf" ] ; then echo "error: insert invalid argument." echo "args:$args" echo "year:$year" echo "tp:$tp" echo "tpm:$tpm" echo "tpf:$tpf" echo "jp:$jp" echo "jpm:$jpm" echo "jpf:$jpf" exit 1 fi sqlite3 "$filename" " insert into population ( year, tp, tpm, tpf, jp, jpm, jpf ) values ( $year , $tp , $tpm , $tpf , $jp , $jpm , $jpf ) ;" } |
1 |
./shellsqlite.sh insertfile <DBファイル> <インポートするファイル> |
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shellsqlite_insertfile(){ filename="$1" insertfile="$2" if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi if [ -e "$insertfile" ] ; then csvfile=$(mktemp) trap "rm -f $csvfile" EXIT else echo "error: insertfile \"$insertfile\" not found" exit 1 fi sed -e "1d;/^$/d" $insertfile > $csvfile sqlite3 "$filename" <<EOS .mode csv .import $csvfile population EOS } |
1 |
./shellsqlite update <DBファイル> -year <年> [-tp <総人口>] [-tpm <総人口の男性>] [-tpf <総人口の女性>] [-jp <日本人人口>] [-jpm <日本人人口の男性>] [-jpf <日本人人口の女性>] |
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shellsqlite_update(){ filename="$1" shift args="$@" tp="tp=tp" tpm="tpm=tpm" tpf="tpf=tpf" jp="jp=jp" jpm="jpm=jpm" jpf="jpf=jpf" declare -i year ntp ntpm ntpf njp njpm njpf if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi while ! [ -z "$1" ] ; do case "$1" in -year) shift;year="$1";shift;; -tp) shift;ntp="$1";tp="tp=$ntp";shift;; -tpm) shift;ntpm="$1";tpm="tpm=$ntpm";shift;; -tpf) shift;ntpf="$1";tpf="tpf=$ntpf";shift;; -jp) shift;njp="$1";jp="jp=$njp";shift;; -jpm) shift;njpm="$1";jpm="jpm=$njpm";shift;; -jpf) shift;njpf="$1";jpf="jpf=$njpf";shift;; *) echo "warning: invalid argument: $1" shift ;; esac done if [ -z "$year" ] ; then echo "error: update invalid argument. update is required '-year'." echo "args: $args" exit 1 fi sqlite3 "$filename" " update population set $tp , $tpm , $tpf , $jp , $jpm , $jpf where year=$year ;" } |
1 |
./shellsqlite delete population.db -year 2002 -year 2003 |
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shellsqlite_delete_datadelete(){ filename="$1" declare -i year="$2" sqlite3 "$filename" " delete from population where year=$year ;" } shellsqlite_delete(){ filename="$1" args="$@" declare -i year if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi while ! [ -z "$1" ] ; do case "$1" in -year) shift year="$1" shellsqlite_delete_datadelete $filename $year shift ;; *) echo "warning: invalid argument: $1" shift ;; esac done if [ -z "$year" ] ; then echo "error: delete invalid argument. args: $args" exit 1 fi } |
lag(tp) over (order by year)のような部分はSQLのwindow関数になっています。これはテーブルを"年"に並べて現在行の前行のデータを出します。これによって、前年との増減率を計算できます。
1 |
./shellsqlite.sh display <DBファイル> |
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shellsqlite_display{ filename="$1" if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi sqlite3 -header "$filename" " select year as '年度', tp as '総人口', round((tp*1.0/(lag(tp) over (order by year))-1)*100,2) as '総人口(増減率)', jp as '日本人人口', round((jp*1.0/(lag(jp) over (order by year))-1)*100,2) as '日本人人口(増減率)' from population ;" } |
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#!/bin/bash shellsqlite_help(){ progname="$(basename $0)" echo "$progname help" echo "* $progname create <dbfile>" cat <<insertmessage * $progname insert <dbfile> -year <year> \ -tp <total population> -tpm <male of the total population> -tpf <female of the total population> \ -jp <japanease population> -jpm <male of the japanease population> -jpf <female of the japanease population> insertmessage cat <<insertfilemessage * $progname insertfile <dbfile> <insertfile> insertfile format (The poplutation is shown in thousands): year,tp,tpm,tpf,jp,jpm,jpf 2000,126926,62111,64815,125613,61488,64125 ... insertfilemessage cat <<updatemessage * $progname update <dbfile> -year <year> \ [-tp <total population>] [-tpm <male of the total population>] [-tpf <female of the total population>] \ [-jp <japanease population>] [-jpm <male of the japanease population>] [-jpf <female of the japanease population>] updatemessage echo "* $progname delete <dbfile> -year <year>" echo "* $progname display <dbfile>" } shellsqlite_create(){ filename="$1" if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then sqlite3 "$filename" " create table population ( year integer, tp integer, tpm integer, tpf integer, jp integer, jpm integer, jpf integer ) ;" else echo "error: $filename exists. Don't create $filename." fi } shellsqlite_insert(){ filename="$1" shift args="$@" declare -i year tp tpm tpf jp jpm jpf if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi while ! [ -z "$1" ] ; do case "$1" in -year) shift;year="$1";shift;; -tp) shift;tp="$1";shift;; -tpm) shift;tpm="$1";shift;; -tpf) shift;tpf="$1";shift;; -jp) shift;jp="$1";shift;; -jpm) shift;jpm="$1";shift;; -jpf) shift;jpf="$1";shift;; *) echo "warning: invalid argument: $1" shift ;; esac done if [ -z "$year" ] || [ -z "$tp" ] || [ -z "$tpm" ] || [ -z "$tpf" ] || [ -z "$jp" ] || [ -z "$jpm" ] || [ -z "$jpf" ] ; then echo "error: insert invalid argument." echo "args:$args" echo "year:$year" echo "tp:$tp" echo "tpm:$tpm" echo "tpf:$tpf" echo "jp:$jp" echo "jpm:$jpm" echo "jpf:$jpf" exit 1 fi sqlite3 "$filename" " insert into population ( year, tp, tpm, tpf, jp, jpm, jpf ) values ( $year , $tp , $tpm , $tpf , $jp , $jpm , $jpf ) ;" } shellsqlite_insertfile(){ filename="$1" insertfile="$2" if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi if [ -e "$insertfile" ] ; then csvfile=$(mktemp) trap "rm -f $csvfile" EXIT else echo "error: insertfile \"$insertfile\" not found" exit 1 fi sed -e "1d;/^$/d" $insertfile > $csvfile sqlite3 "$filename" <<EOS .mode csv .import $csvfile population EOS } shellsqlite_update(){ filename="$1" shift args="$@" tp="tp=tp" tpm="tpm=tpm" tpf="tpf=tpf" jp="jp=jp" jpm="jpm=jpm" jpf="jpf=jpf" declare -i year ntp ntpm ntpf njp njpm njpf if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi while ! [ -z "$1" ] ; do case "$1" in -year) shift;year="$1";shift;; -tp) shift;ntp="$1";tp="tp=$ntp";shift;; -tpm) shift;ntpm="$1";tpm="tpm=$ntpm";shift;; -tpf) shift;ntpf="$1";tpf="tpf=$ntpf";shift;; -jp) shift;njp="$1";jp="jp=$njp";shift;; -jpm) shift;njpm="$1";jpm="jpm=$njpm";shift;; -jpf) shift;njpf="$1";jpf="jpf=$njpf";shift;; *) echo "warning: invalid argument: $1" shift ;; esac done if [ -z "$year" ] ; then echo "error: update invalid argument. update is required '-year'." echo "args: $args" exit 1 fi sqlite3 "$filename" " update population set $tp , $tpm , $tpf , $jp , $jpm , $jpf where year=$year ;" } shellsqlite_delete_datadelete(){ filename="$1" declare -i year="$2" sqlite3 "$filename" " delete from population where year=$year ;" } shellsqlite_delete(){ filename="$1" args="$@" declare -i year if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi while ! [ -z "$1" ] ; do case "$1" in -year) shift year="$1" shellsqlite_delete_datadelete $filename $year shift ;; *) echo "warning: invalid argument: $1" shift ;; esac done if [ -z "$year" ] ; then echo "error: delete invalid argument. args: $args" exit 1 fi } shellsqlite_display(){ filename="$1" if ! [ -e "$filename" ] ; then echo "error: dbfile \"$filename\" not found" exit 1 fi sqlite3 -header "$filename" " select year as '年度', tp as '総人口', round((tp*1.0/(lag(tp) over (order by year))-1)*100,2) as '総人口(増減率)', jp as '日本人人口', round((jp*1.0/(lag(jp) over (order by year))-1)*100,2) as '日本人人口(増減率)' from population ;" } case "$1" in create ) shift shellsqlite_create "$@";; insert ) shift shellsqlite_insert "$@";; insertfile ) shift shellsqlite_insertfile "$@";; update ) shift shellsqlite_update "$@";; delete ) shift shellsqlite_delete "$@";; display ) shift shellsqlite_display "$@";; * ) shellsqlite_help exit 0 ;; esac |
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$ chmod +x shellsqlite.sh $ ls -l shellsqlite.sh -rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 5735 6月 1 13:24 shellsqlite.sh |
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$ ./shellsqlite.sh create population.db $ ./shellsqlite.sh insertfile population.db population.csv $ ./shellsqlite.sh display population.db 年度|総人口|総人口(増減率)|日本人人口|日本人人口(増減率) 2000|126926||125613| 2001|127316|0.31|125930|0.25 2002|127486|0.13|126053|0.1 2003|127694|0.16|126206|0.12 2004|127787|0.07|126266|0.05 2005|127768|-0.01|126205|-0.05 2006|127901|0.1|126286|0.06 2007|128033|0.1|126347|0.05 2008|128084|0.04|126340|-0.01 2009|128032|-0.04|126343|0.0 2010|128057|0.02|126382|0.03 2011|127834|-0.17|126210|-0.14 2012|127593|-0.19|126023|-0.15 2013|127414|-0.14|125803|-0.17 2014|127237|-0.14|125562|-0.19 2015|127095|-0.11|125319|-0.19 |
人口推計 長期時系列データ 長期時系列データ(平成12年~27年)
全国 1 男女別人口(各年10月1日現在)- 総人口,日本人人口(平成12年~27年)より